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September 14 &15
Parkersburg Piccalilli: An Artists’ Takeover is coming to the Parkersburg Art Center on September 14 and 15, 2023. This is brought to you by the PAC, Tamarack Foundation for the Arts, and the Arts Collaborative of the Mid-Ohio Valley.
On that Thursday and Friday the Parkersburg arts and culture district will be taken over by Parkersburg Piccalilli, a two day arts conference for working artists, art educators, college art students and arts organizations. This will be two days of workshops, hands-on art making, networking and celebration.
Parkersburg Piccalilli features two tracks, one is all about creative entrepreneurship and the financial side of being a working artist. The other track includes workshops by some of the region’s premier artists with hands-on art making opportunities. On Thursday evening Parkersburg Piccalilli participants will be treated to a multi-venue reception. This “Happening” will include food, music and a pop-up exhibit of participating artists’ work.
All registered conference goers are invited to bring up to two pieces of their original art to display at the pop-up exhibit on Thursday night! Piccalilli is designed so you learn from presenters, and from each other! Don’t miss this chance to immerse yourself in a special “arts happening!”
Continental breakfasts, Thursday lunch and Thursday evening reception fare are all included. Sponsorships available. If you have questions, contact Jessie Seifert, Managing Director, Parkersburg Art Center, for details at 304-485-3859 or [email protected].
Visit our Parkersburg Piccalilli website at piccalilli.org (https://piccalilli.org/) for more information including a full schedule and presenters.
REGISTRATION (https://piccalilli.org/)
** Apply to the WV Creative Network
Join our community of WV artists and creatives for more opportunities, collaboration, and support for your creative practice.
Benefits Include:
* A searchable & shareable portfolio page on tamarackfoundation.org
* Exclusive access to discussion groups
* Options to be included in social media promotions throughout the year
* Two hours of free arts entrepreneurship coaching annually
Join the WV Creative Network (https://tamarackfoundation.org/join-the-creative-network/)
** Artist Opportunities | Aug 2023
There are so many opportunities we’ve gathered for you this month! All are open to creatives from West Virginia and some may lead to art adventures beyond. Exhibitions, vendor opportunities, educational opportunities, grants, and more.
We Can Share Your Opportunities for WV Artists
Looking for local talent? Want to help creative entrepreneurs? Send information to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Opportunities%20for%20WV%20Artists)
Lunch and Learn with Emily Prentice Wednesday August 25 at 12pm; How to Connect with Artists and Build Your Community
How to Connect with Artists & Build Your Community
August 23 | 12 p.m. | Zoom
Join us for an inspiring event featuring Emily Prentice, an accomplished illustrator, fiber artist, and creative facilitator based in the enchanting landscapes of West Virginia.
Emily Prentice (she/her) has an incredible journey to share. With a passion for guiding artistic explorers through realms ranging from the underworld to outer space, and every corner of creativity in between, Emily’s unique perspective has sparked creativity and connections worldwide.
Emily Prentice has dedicated years to fostering creative communities online, through heartfelt snail mail exchanges, and in-person gatherings. Her love for art and community has culminated in the establishment of an art supply shop and a welcoming creative community space. Here, everyone is invited to come together and unleash their artistic expressions!
Event Highlights:
* Gain insights into Emily’s diverse artistic journey.
* Discover how she blends imagination with real-world experiences.
* Learn about her experiences building artistic communities.
* Explore the intersection of art, identity, and personal expression.
* How do you build community?
* What are easy ways to get connected with artists?
* How long did it take for you to build your community?
* What advice do you have for an artist just starting to build their career?
Cost is $5 donation for general audience. Free for Creative Network Members.
Check out the Lunch & Learn Event page (https://www.facebook.com/events/126768693818325?ref=newsfeed) on Facebook for more details.
WV Department of Arts, Culture & History Creative Aging for Lifelong Learning Grant
Deadline: October 1
Provides up to $5,000 to individual artists, schools, local governments, and 501(c)3 organizations for projects that teach a new skill in the arts to a group of adults. Details (https://wvculture.org/agencies/arts/grants/)
WV Department of Arts, Culture & History: Living Traditions Grant Grant
Deadline: October 1
Project support for artists, provides up to $5,000 for individuals to improve their skills through activities, structured courses, workshops, trainings, or internship programs; or create folk art projects, including acquisition of specialized equipment or contracted services to complete a project. Details (https://wvculture.org/agencies/arts/grants/)
WV Department of Arts, Culture & History Professional Development Grant
Deadline: October 1
Professional Development for Artists
Provides up to $5,000 for professional and emerging artists to expand or improve their work or share their expertise. Details (https://wvculture.org/agencies/arts/grants/)
Appalachia Reframed Grant
Deadline: August 20
This year, Appalachia Reframed will be disbursing monthly grants of $1,000 to creators and changemakers in Central Appalachia (West Virginia, East Kentucky, Southeast Ohio, Southwest Virginia). We want to support the next generation of Appalachians by funding community focused projects that depict a hopeful future for the region. Through small investments in passionate people, we hope to spark conversations and drive momentum for change. Details (https://www.nmap.co/appalachiareframed/)
Appalachian Film Festival
Deadline: August 14
The Appalachian Film Festival is back on August 19th at the Foundry Theater in Huntington, WV. They would love to have Appalachian artists + vendors sharing their craft with the filmmakers and film lovers who will be attending the event. A table on Saturday will cost $30, which also includes two tickets to the festival. Payment for a spot will be due once spots are confirmed. Details (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSePDuPRk0IriOJjELvgN80Aee1HV9GOflUYofCW1VTJOfv_4w/viewform)
More about the Appalachian Film Festival. (https://filmfreeway.com/AppalachianFilmFestival)
Huntington Music & Arts Festival
Event will take place August 28th – September 2nd. Each of the following events will have vendor availability until slots become full. Monday will be the 72 hour film challenge screening. Tuesday Art on the Edge at West Edge Factory. Wednesday Party on the Plaza, music performance. Friday 9th Street Live. Saturday The Ritter Amphitheater. Spots are filling up quickly so if interested in being apart of HMAF13, email them at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .
Details (https://www.hmafestival.com/)
The Localization Pop Up Show Title: Vendor Packages: Tier1 $15; Tier 2 $30; Tier 3 $50; Email your work to [email protected] for consideration
The Localization Pop Up Show
October 28
The Localization Pop Up Show is a multi-media pop-up experience, blended between booth vending for creatives and live music. Localization was started and run by community focused creatives looking to highlight the great talent existing within West Virginia’s state lines. Those interested in becoming a vendor should email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Beckley Art Center Exhibition: Purple for Recovery Exhibit
Deadline: August 21
The goal for this exhibition is to raise awareness for National Recovery Month and raise money for local entities doing the work of melding art and recovery together Raleigh County style. Will accept submissions of two-and three-dimensional artwork, and digital/video pieces, all of which must be inspired by the color purple and what it represents. Details (https://form.jotform.com/231937339026156)
Marshall School of Art and Design 13th Annual Juried Exhibit
Deadline: October 27
Marshall University’s School of Art & Design is accepting entries for the 13th Annual National Juried Exhibition! This year’s juror, Taekyeom Lee, is an educator and multidisciplinary designer using artist materials and artistic sensibility. Entry fee: $30 for up to three entries. Current Marshall students with ID pay just $15 for up to three entries. Details (https://www.marshall.edu/art-galleries/13th-annual-national-juried-exhibition/?fbclid=IwAR2HL2mv04OzH-kBC-PvLpt0LZj1rzxGeD-MrNpv665EVpCQ2K-zhsp_N-U)
** Tamarack Marketplace:
** Southern Gothic Exhibit
Deadline: September 17
Out of the Gothic genre grew the subgenre “Southern Gothic” – a term highlighting the dark corners of the American South. The category is characterized by the grotesque, and it showcases everything from disturbing masked figures to overgrown landscapes with decaying houses. While art of this nature may contain some supernatural elements, it often reveals the eerie flaws of people and places in the physical world. To honor this spooky season, Tamarack is seeking original gothic-inspired artwork to haunt our gallery and mystify our guests. Details (https://www.tamarackwv.com/galleries/)
Tamarack Marketplace: Small Packages Exhibit
Deadline: November 12
An exhibition of small proportions is back for round 2! This exhibition is seeking artwork measuring 12inx12in and under (or alternatively 144 square inches- if you have questions please reach out), perfect for holiday gift giving. Theme of work is whatever your heart desires, all we ask is that you please abide by our gallery guidelines and have fun during this holiday season by creating big things in small packages. Tamarack’s David L. Dickirson Fine Arts Gallery is inviting artists to submit two- and three-dimensional pieces that are tiny in proportion and big in impact! Details (https://www.tamarackwv.com/galleries/)
shART – ShepherdstownArt Magazine
Deadline: August 31
A zine showcasing local art from Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The shART magazine is accepting visual art, literary art, audio art, music, articles for their magazine’s third issue. The release party will be held at The Dev on September23rd. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=shartzine%40gmail.com&body=null)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/shart_mag/) Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/shARTMagazine)
You’re Not Seeing Things Magazine
Deadline: August 25
YNST is focused on amplifying Appalachian voices surrounding art, fashion & photography, and culture. Their platform’s mission is to highlight the incredible talent and underrepresented perspectives in the region. Looking for visual art, fashion photography, and poetry for future issues of the magazine. YNST is looking for dynamic artists, writers, photographers, designers and more to publish their work in our upcoming issue & online! Details (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddj6HYeF2ILaXokGJxfBFHEvxVFwwONxK56tGwF5FSv2YXkw/viewform)
Ceramics- Pittsburgh Center for Arts & Media
For college students and recent graduates. Interns spend equal amounts of time helping with studio maintenance, learning studio practices from coordinator, and developing own work. Interns may have opportunities to teach classes. Interns can commit anywhere from 10- 40 hours per week for up to 2 years. Interns are accepted on a rotating basis based on studio needs. Able to work with local universities for interns to gain college credits. Details (https://pghartsmedia.org/ceramic-studio-internship/)
Contact: Ceramics Coordinator Audra Clayton at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Introduction to Screenprinting Class with Dan Davies
Sept. 16 @ 6 p.m.
Introduction to Screenprinting Class on September 12th at The Clay Center in Charleston, WV. Ideal course for beginners to learn the basic tools and techniques necessary for understanding the silk-screening process. Limited space is available, advanced registration required. $150 for members, $200 for non-members. Registration (https://secure.theclaycenter.org/9973)
Free Art Making Workshops with Isaac Preston at the Gary Bowling House of Arts
Artist Isaac Preston is offering free Tiny Tree Workshops and Maker Space Workshops in his studio located in the Gary Bowling’s House of Art in Bluefield, WV. Tiny Tree Workshops will take place on 8/12, 9/23, 10/7, and 11/11. Maker Space Workshops will take place on 8/25, 10/21, and 11/25. Learn more and register for events at rainbowartfarms.com.
Winter Burrow Literary & Arts Conference
Deadline: September 1
Proposals are now being accepted for the inaugural Winter Burrow Literary & Arts Conference this December 15-17 at Hindman Settlement School!
We are looking for talks, panels, discussions, roundtables, performances, classes, and workshops related to Appalachian literature and arts with direct connections to our theme of “Borderless Appalachia.” We want to ponder on and discuss all the ways that theme can be interpreted. What are the borders around us? Who defines them? How are they changing? What are their power? Where do they overlap or dissolve? Do we need them? How do they echo borders in other communities? Details (https://hindman.org/winterburrow/proposals/)
West Virginia Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
The West Virginia Entrepreneurial Ecosystem connects and identifies opportunities to help
entrepreneurs across the state by fostering collaboration and sharing resources. Join the WVEE newsletter to learn about educational opportunities, pitch contests, and more. Register for monthly resource-sharing meetings. Details (https://westvirginia.gov/wv-entrepreneurship-ecosystem/)
Captivating Your Audience by Telling Your Story with Chris Kanski
August 15 11:00-12:30
Join Christ Kanski at the Huntington Area Convention & Visitors Bureau for a business learning event. One the most powerful ways to form a real connection with existing and potential customers is by telling your story. Stories are engaging, entertaining, and help us form connections with each other. By utilizing the power of your story, you can develop relationships built on “like and trust,” creating engagement on a level that isn’t possible otherwise. Learn how to frame and communicate your story in a powerful and engaging manner across multiple platforms. Cost: Free Details (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/captivating-customers-by-telling-your-story-tickets-679530141947?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR3_cw2w5lVdCaMAIGAUC7q2KnmSXrrj4hCwr6smMZKOTcKZUStY80qv_Co)
WV Mine Wars: Camp Solidarity
October 13-14
The West Virginia Mine Wars Museum (https://www.facebook.com/WVMineWarsMuseum?__cft__[0]=AZWJWcDkK7ljrc43KNmrV7-0BAVzgXW6HJf6dF23dPUw1gfr_9iFMzTxCIED5h3npeDG_ujX7wV17eT9PfGNh7rQjHog3QCxkCx50pRJO9IBpRXf0xQA50BmKK6tlygXyuQp–elBT3FsXIRvRh8RdInJ1wOTt5Al3kLy6mqMnS8Gng9aqo6ELIEK4Nhi2H9Zx0&__tn__=-]K-R) ‘s Camp Solidarity is taking place October 13-14 in Matewan, WV. It’s is a one-of-a-kind union training event that works to bulk up skills in building strong unions with engaged membership + educate about labor history in the place (on the very street!) where one of the most significant battles over unionism in the U.S. took place! Details (https://wvminewars.org/campsolidarity)
20th Annual Culturefest World Music & Arts Festival
Sept. 7-10
Culturefest is a peaceful, kid-friendly oasis of creativity on a magical mountaintop in West Virginia with over 40 music & dance performances, workshops, healing arts, great kids activities including a parade, artisan vendors, live painters, drumming, delicious food and camping amidst breathtaking scenery on a magical mountaintop. Details (https://www.culturefestwv.com/)
Waymakers Collective Annual Convening
August 18 – 20
Enjoy a weekend with Appalachian artists, culture workers, organizers, activists, doers, and creatives building a just and equitable Appalachian future! Come ready to learn, share, make new connections with artists + art organizations in the region, and, most importantly, be inspired by the people + communities making new ways for life to thrive in the mountains! Registration (https://www.waymakerscollective.org/gather?fbclid=IwAR29u8LqmMaFCUMBiGSH-u3Hl36eIybCutjSOcPZRUMmR72EVIgAdQv6Eng)
World Premier of House in the Clouds: The Artistic Life of Robert Singleton
September 17 @ 7 p.m.
Master Artist Robert Singleton has lived in the mountains of WV for over 40 years, dedicating his life to painting and finding solace in beloved friendships. Produced by Doug Imbrogno and Bobby Lee Messer, House in the Clouds brings visibility to the often harrowing upbringing of Robert Singleton in the historic confines of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, that created obstacles against his dreams of becoming an artist. From indifferent, often brutal parents, to a series of attempts on his own life, to living as a closeted gay man in the middle of the 20th century—which included being outed and ejected from art school and landing in a mental ward to be ‘fixed,’ for his ‘social deviance’—it might seem the deck was stacked against him achieving his dreams of exploring the depths of his being and mysteries of the world through art. House in the Clouds will premiere on Sept. 17 at the Clay Center in Charleston, WV. Details
Appalachian Queer Film Festival
October 6-8
Founded in 2014 to bring Queer and Trans film, from around the world, to Appalachia and to promote LGBTQ+ filmmakers within the region, the Appalachian Queer Film Festival will be held Oct. 6-8 at the Foundry Theater in Huntington, WV. Details (https://www.appalachianqueerfilmfest.com/about-3)
WV Statewide Artist Survey
Close of Survey: August 30
Tamarack Foundation for the Arts is seeking input from artists around the state about their experiences living and working in WV as artists. If you participate in the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for free registration to Piccalilli, family membership to the Parkersburg Art Center, or Blick gift cards. Survey (https://forms.gle/e8okbb9oRd2LLEMp8)
We Grow Creativity in WV
Help us continue to empower artists and creatives in the Mountain State through programs like the Creative Entrepreneur Fellowship (https://tamarackfoundation.org/emerging-artist-fellowship/) and Professional Development Workshops (https://tamarackfoundation.org/workshops-trainings/) . Support or donate at TamarackFoundation.org/Support (https://tamarackfoundation.org/support/)
“The program has really connected me to the art community in West Virginia and helped me feel more confident in developing my work.”
– 2020 Emerging Artist Fellow Nevada Tribble (https://tamarackforthearts.substack.com/p/following-the-thread)
https://www.facebook.com/TamarackFoundation https://www.instagram.com/tamarackfoundation/ https://tamarackfoundation.org
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