Application Packet
Tamarack Artisan Relief Program (TARP) Application
Applications for this program should be submitted via email to [email protected]
TAMARACK Artisan Relief Program (TARP)
In Honor of Judy Belcher
Established in the early 2000’s through fund raising events and contributions, Tamarack Artist Relief Program, is a bridge to help entrepreneurs return to business. We are Honoring Judy Belcher with this relaunch which personalizes the grant, an important benefit to West Virginia artists. Judy believed in the economic impact the arts community has on our state, region and nation. She championed the Fellowship Programs and assisted individuals to gain financial knowledge. Artists benefited from her business skills over the many years she served Tamarack Foundation for the Arts.
Past and present Board members and staff, speaking for the arts community; describe Belcher’s outreach, networking, dedication to economic support as skills which advanced their own careers and expanded the programming of the TamarackFoundation.
Program is for business emergency, health, structural or operational to assist in return to full operation. Awards up to $5000 per application. Funding is limited per year and may close prior to Dec 31.
Application Packet
Grant Guidelines Document
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Assistance
Individual Artist Application
- Submission Form
- Working Document (not for final submission)
- NHPA Comlpliance Form
- Grant Budget Form (artist)
- Certification Statement
Organization Application
- Submission Form
- Working Document (not for final submission)
- NHPA Comlpliance Form
- Grant Budget Form (org)
- Certification Statement
Pandemic Relief Mini-Grant
Tamarack Foundation for the Arts received $250,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts American Rescue Plan funds to provide mini-grants to artists and arts-supportive 501c3 organizations in specific West Virginia counties for pandemic relief.
We are not currently accepting new applications for this program as of 9/30/22. Applicants already in process are welcome to continue with their applications; refining and submitting their grants with technical assistance from our staff.
Details below are for Round 2 of this mini-grant program. Read Full RFP
- Grant Amount: $7,500 (Partial grants will not be awarded.)
- Match: No match required.
- Service Area: Braxton, Boone, Clay, Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Nicholas, Wayne, Webster, Wyoming
- Application Open: Aug 1, 2022
- Submission Close: Rolling submission until Oct 31 22, 2022 @ 11:59 pm OR until funds are depleted; submissions will be reviewed on a monthly basis.
For more information about the rolling grant process, contact Kandi Workman at [email protected].
About the Pandemic Relief Mini-grant program
In November 2021, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced an American Rescue plan (ARP) grant which would be distributed to 66 local art agencies to help artists recover from the pandemic. This grant totaled $20,200,000, which was then split between the 66 agencies who would be awarded either $150,000, $250,000, or $500,000.
Tamarack Foundation for the Arts (TFA) will be dispersing the NEA ARP funds to sustain, create and restore arts-related jobs in 14 WV counties. TFA looks forward to helping local artists and arts-supportive organizations recover from the pandemic through the TFA Pandemic Relief Mini-grant Program, serving the following counties: Braxton, Boone, Clay, Fayette, Kanawha (rural areas only), Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Nicholas, Wayne, Webster and Wyoming.
Organization Application TA Video
Technical Assistance Video Transcript | Organization Application
Kandi Workman | July 29, 2022
This is the application for organizations.
Page 1
On this page you will fill in basic information about your organization.
When you get to the field about the UEI, if you do not have a UEI, refer to the mini-grant guidelines for how to apply.
You will be asked to provide the organization’s FEIN/Federal Tax ID number. Fiscal sponsors are not allowed.
Note: If you do not have some of the information handy or you are not ready to respond to some of the questions, you can use a placeholder–simply a word, a litter, or a number–to allow you to advance without completing these sections.
If you have any accessibility concerns with completing this application, please contact Domenica Queen, and she will support you. Her email is included. [email protected].
Click Next.
Page 2
On this page you will provide the contact info for the primary point of contact and have the option of providing information for a secondary point of contact.
Click Next.
Page 3
On this page you will certify your organization’s eligibility to apply for and be awarded funds. After completing the fields, click Next.
Page 4
At the top of page 4, you will provide the title for your project and state the amount you are applying for. The amount of the mini-grant is $7500, with no partial grants awarded. Enter $7500. You can download the budget template here and you will upload your completed grant budget project form in the attachments section at the end of the application.
Next, you will provide a one sentence summary about how these funds will support your organization.
Then, you will need to provide a statement of need. Why does your organization need support related to the impact of COVID-19 and recovery from the pandemic? How will these funds be used to support your organization’s operation?
After that, provide 1 to 3 outcomes and how you plan to measure those outcomes.
The questions that follow pertain to total ACTUAL Expenses from the most recently completed fiscal year, 501c3 status, artistic discipline or disciplines that the organization supports, questions about numbers of employees, loss of income due to the pandemic, and demographics. You will be asked to complete a timeline, as well. Please provide enough details that we get an idea of your plan from start to finish, mostly noting milestones, not minor tasks.
Click Next.
Page 5
On page 5 you will be asked to provide information about Artistic Excellence. Please list
examples of arts programming your organization coordinated prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic and describe a representative sample of arts programs that your organization plans to offer during the FY23 funding period, July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023. You will need to provide information about artistic backgrounds of those who will be involved in the organization’s work or programming.
Click Next.
Page 6
Artistic Merit: On this page you will be asked to describe how your project will benefit others and how community members are included within your project.
Click Next.
Page 7
On page 7, please provide details about how you hope to sustain your work in the future and how the board is involved in planning for the future of the organization.
Also, if your project includes creating any works of art in public spaces in FY 2023, you will need to complete a National Historic Preservation questionnaire. You can download the form here and upload it in the “Attachments” section at the end of the application.
Click Next.
Page 8
This is where you can submit all your attachments:
● IRS Letter confirming 501c3 status
● List of Board of Directors and each members role
● Support materials (up to 5 items)
● Project budget
● Organizational budgets for 2019 and 2020
● Public art questionnaire, if needed
● Certification form
Once you have all of your responses complete and all of your items uploaded, click Submit.
Once you hit Submit, you will receive an email notification about your submission. If you need to edit something within your application, you will have the option to do so from that email.
If you have any general questions or concerns, please contact Kandi Workman at [email protected] or call 304-915-6276.
Individual Artist Application TA Video
Technical Assistance Video Transcript | Individual Artist Application
Kandi Workman | July 29, 2022
This is the application for individual artists.
Page 1
First, you will fill in basic information about yourself and your contact information.
Just to note: If you come to a question and you don’t have the info to respond at that time, use a placeholder–a word, letter, or number–so that the system will let you advance; you can return to the question later to complete it when you are ready.
Once you get through your personal information, you will be asked about your project’s service area. Here, check the county or counties that will receive the bulk of the impact from your project.
You will be prompted to include an artist bio and statement. If you need assistance with with section, please contact Angelica Gilleran, the Creative Network Liaison, and she will provide support. Her email is listed.
If you have any accessibility concerns with completing this application, please contact Domenica Queen, and she will support you. Her email is listed.
Click Next.
Page 2
As an applicant you are required to read the Pandemic Relief Mini-grant Guidelines and to review Technical Assistance, such as this video or the transcript from this video. When you have completed these tasks, answer “yes.”
You will be asked again about where you live or the service area for your project. This is just a quick way for us to get a quick “yes” or “no” verification from you about your location.
The final question on this page concerns federal funding. This mini-grant project is made possible by federal funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. TFA has to follow NEA rules and regulations. Here, you are self-certifying that you are not disbarred, suspended, or have any other exclusions or disqualifications from receiving federal funding.
Click Next.
Page 3
At the top of page 3, you will provide the title for your project and state the amount you are applying for. The amount of the mini-grant is $7500, with no partial grants awarded. Enter $7500.
You can download the budget template here and you will upload your completed grant budget project form in the attachments section at the end of the application.
Choose the artist discipline or disciplines that you practice within.
You will be asked to provide your estimated loss of income since the pandemic began in March 2020, and then you will tell us your story of artistic and financial challenges related to the pandemic.
After that, you will provide a one sentence summary of your project.
The next field is where the bulk of critical information about your project will be entered. Guiding questions are provided to help you consider different aspects of the work. Try to respond to each of those questions, and include additional information as you see necessary.
Next, you are asked to provide a timeline. This does not have to include every minute task that you will need to make from start to finish; but it should include plenty of milestones that mark progression of your work towards your end goals.
Anticipated outcomes can be tricky. An example is provided here, but if you need assistance, contact Kandi Workman. Her email is provided.
Complete the remainder of the fields on this page to the best of your ability.
Click Next.
Page 4
Artistic Excellence: Here you will need to provide background information about yourself and/or any artists or consultants you will be working with to complete this project. You will have the opportunity to upload CVs and letters of support in the attachments section of this application.
Click Next.
Page 5
Artistic Merit: On this page you will be asked to describe how your project will benefit others and how community members are included within your project.
Click Next.
Page 6
On page 6, please provide details about how you hope to sustain your work in the future.
Also, if your project includes creating any works of art in public spaces in FY 2023, you will need to complete a National Historic Preservation questionnaire. You can download the form here and upload it in the “Attachments” section at the end of the application.
Click Next.
Page 7
This is where you can submit all your attachments: Support materials (up to 5 items); work samples (up to 5 items); project budget; public art questionnaire, if needed; and a certification form.
Once you have all of your responses complete and all of your items uploaded, click Submit.
Once you hit Submit, you will receive an email notification about your submission. If you need to edit something within your application, you will have the option to do so from that email.
If you have any general questions or concerns, please contact Kandi Workman at [email protected] or call 304-915-6276.
Thank You
We thank the National Endowment for the Arts for supporting this program.