I am a fiber artist and I love what I do! I’m a member of the Morgan Arts Council, the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, the Piedmont Craftsmen’s guild and the Delectable Mountains Quilt Guild. I have an open studio during the Berkeley Springs Studio Tour on the fourth weekend in October.
My mother did try very hard to have me learn to hand stitch,but once I saw that sewing machine it was all machine all the time! After being a hand weaver for 25 years, I took to using the left over pieces of handwoven fabric to piece quilts. The rest is history. I love quilting and making my own fabric by dyeing , printing and stamping on the fabric to make my own work.
In addition to my degree from Seton Hill University, I studied Art Education at New York University. Many classes in fiber arts and many awards for the same!
Other Creative Skills
Textile Design & Artistry