Teresa Dean

Kanawha County


No I haven't received a degree of r certificates I was robbed of a child hood and 12 years of abuses as a young adult so now it's time for me to start to live and love and do what I was supposed to do in life this is what im here for. To show the world what beauty is


About Teresa Dean

All my life I’ve seen thing way different then others I always knew I was a little different my kids give me air to breath if it wasn’t for them I would be dead inside I wake up every day as today is going to be better then yesterday I thank God every day for the blessings he has given me I’m blessed in so many ways only god can take it away from me cause all the evil just makes me stronger thank you god


I’m a artist from west Virginia born and raised. I live and breath art. My life is colorful I have 4 girls and one boy and one grandson and wonderful dog named Roxy a husband named Benny he’s the best he stands back and let’s me run wild. What I mean by that is run wild with my idea he says I own the imagination station I say all a board

[email protected]
Other Creative Skills

Visual Arts: Drawing

Teresa Dean's Work

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