Cynthia Casto

Mason County


High school graphic design classHigh school art classes


About Cynthia Casto

Nature and fantasy play a huge part in what inspires me. I will often use many mediums to produce an art piece. My favorite pieces to work on are mixed media drawings and art dolls. I will often find something in the real world that inspires me and add a whimsical element to it; people with butterfly wings for eyelashes are a good example. My intention is to make people feel something and think when they look at my art. I’m always trying to reach a “wow factor ” with my art.


I am a multimedia artist from Mason County WV that does a little bit of everything; paper or canvas mediums, resin, costumes, face painting, and doll making. Both fantasy and nature inspire me to create art in unique ways. Living in West Virginia my whole life has fueled my self-taught art journey. I’ve taken art seriously since I was in high school back in 2015. Over the years I have managed to make connections with people and even sell my art. My goal is to live off of my art and so far it has been a wonderful adventure.

[email protected]
Other Creative Skills


Cynthia Casto's Work

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